Taylor Swift Called A Whore: The Westboro Baptist Church Makes The Singer Their Next Target And What Did They Have To Say? [VIDEO]

Taylor Swift called a whore by the Westboro Baptist Church (WBC) on more than one occasion.

Through Twitter, an interview and a potential planned picketing, Taylor Swift called a whore through different outlets by the WBC. The WBC has targeted other celebrities and athletes before, including Tim Tebow and now Taylor Swift is apparently next on the list.

While on an interview with RadarOnline, WBC member Ben Phelps-grandson of the group's leader, Fred Phelps Sr., gave his opinion about the music star. Taylor Swift called a whore by Phelps, who said, "This girl is a whore. Who else is gonna say that if it's not the church of the Lord Jesus? She's coming into our backyard. We're gonna go preach to her."

Taylor Swift has a concert coming to the Sprint Center in Kansas City, Mo. on August 3rd, which is close to Topeka-the location of WBC. There's a possibility the WBC will picket on that day against Swift and what they said is her false "church girl" attitude.

WBC might be talking this way about Swift because of her songs that are publicized as being with different men. The church even used Twitter, possibly knowing that Swift has more than 29 million followers on the social network.

"@TaylorSwift13 works her 'girl next door' country-singer shtick, while hopping from one young man to the next and strutting across the world stage like a proud whore," the tweet said from the WBC.

WBC then criticized her father through a press release.

"He has no compunction about her immodest vulgar appearance or serial fornication. With a hating hypocrite for a dad - who will jealously guard her income, while not giving a thought for her never-dying soul - no wonder she grew up to be the poster child for the young whores of doomed-america [sic]."

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