Alec Baldwin Twitter Rant Is His Last … Until His Next; Says Sorry to Almost Everyone … Again

Alec Baldwin’s Twitter rant will be his last, he says. Again. And to prove it Alec Baldwin is getting off the internet. Again. After tweeting a nasty rant aimed at a gay Daily Mail journalist, Alec Baldwin apologized to the gay community and deleted his twitter account for the third time.

Alec Baldwin’s Twitter rant started when George Stake accused Alec Baldwin’s wife, Hilaria Baldwin, of tweeting during James Gandolfini’s funeral on Friday in New York.

Alec Baldwin’s Twitter rant ran: "George Stark, you lying little bitch. I am gonna f%#@ you up … I want all of my followers and beyond to straighten out this fucking little bitch, George Stark. @MailOnline … My wife and I attend a funeral to pay our respects to an old friend, and some toxic Brit writes this fucking trash … If put my foot up your fucking ass, George Stark, but I'm sure you'd dig it too much … I'm gonna find you, George Stark, you toxic little queen, and I'm gonna"

Shortly after taking heat from the angry tweet, Baldwin quickly apologized to Glaad, a New York City-based lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender rights group, over what was seen as over-the-top homophobic, anti-gay Twitter comments. This, the day after the Defense of Marriage Act was defeated in a major win for gay civil rights. Glaad took to its website to assure the world that the former 30 Rock star’s attacks didn't have anything to do with "issues of anyone's sexual orientation."

Baldwin cited his long history of political activism with marriage equality groups. The star of film, TV and stage insisted he didn’t advocate any sort of violence against anyone because they are gay. Glaad spokesman Rich Ferraro says Baldwin could have phrased his attack better, but said Baldwin’s tweets didn't reflect his "history of actively supporting LGBT equality." TMZ called it a "get-out-of-homophobia-jail-free" card.

Baldwin had already deleted his Twitter account for the third time.

Hilaria Baldwin denied the original report saying she was promoting an upcoming appearance on the Rachael Ray Show and asking for gift ideas during Gandolfini’s service. After the service Baldwin wrote "Someone wrote that my wife was tweeting at a funeral. Hey. That's not true. But I'm gonna tweet at your funeral."

But before deleting his account Baldwin wrote "How much of this shit are people supposed to take? With these fucking blatant lies EVERY DAY? My wife DID NOT use her phone, in any capacity, at our friends funeral. Now, fuck this twitter + good luck to all of you who know the truth."

Hilaria tweeted her own denial of what happened at the Sopranos star’s funeral. She explained "Here is some info... When someone tweets something at a certain time, and you retweet it later, it posts the TIME the first person tweeted. I don't know what hurts more: people randomly and maliciously writing lies about you, or the people who actually believe them. I don't believe in bringing phones into a funeral and I never did and I never would.”

Baldwin has a history of losing his temper in public. In 2007, a phone message tape spread around the media catching the actor calling his 11-year-old daughter a "rude, thoughtless little pig." In February Baldwin was accused of slinging a racial slur at a New York photographer, though Baldwin has adamently denied the claims.

Baldwin deleted his account in December 2011 after his war with words with American Airlines. He deleted it again last June right after he married Hilaria.

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