Sex Offender Gets Custody Of Daughter: Dad Convicted Of Rape Of 6-Year-Old Stepdaughter Awarded Sole Custody Of 6-Year-Old Daughter

A convicted sex offender dad got sole custody of his daughter. The man spent six years in jail for raping his six-year-old stepdaughter. Now, he has been awarded full custody of his six-year-old biological daughter.

A sex offender getting custody of a daughter that's the same age of the stepdaughter he allegedly raped is a story that seems too ridiculous-and dangerous-to be true, but it is.

Nicholas Elizondo, 55, filed for custody after the child's mother, Lisa Knight, stopped granting him visits with their child, Sarah, 6.

Knight claims that Sarah came home after one visit saying her half brother, 19, touched her private parts.

"I don't understand how a sex offender can just walk in the courtroom and just take her after I've had her for six years," she said.

"While she was in the bathtub she said 'Something really bad happened,'" Knight's cousin Jodi Coomer said.

Oklahoma County Judge Howard Karalson may have awarded Knight's ex-husband custody because she believes Knight fabricated the story about Sarah being molested. Her attorney, Valerie Williford, said the judge didn't believe Knight's claim that Sarah was inappropriately touched at her father's house.

The judge also questioned Knight because she couldn't remember the names of all of Sarah's doctors on the spot. Sarah was born with a cleft palate and lip and sees multiple specialists.

"Because Mom can't remember the doctor's names then she's a bad Mom? I don't think so," said Coomer.

She says she doesn't think Sarah will have a normal childhood if her father, a registered sex offender, has custody.

"He can't take her to Chuck E. Cheese. He can't take her to a park," said Coomer. "He can't go to her school. He's not allowed in school."

And, she says, "I just know that his victim was 6 years old at the time and Sarah is 6 years old right now."

Elizondo started fighting for sole custody of Sarah because mom Lisa Knight limited their contact. This week, he won. Elizondo says he pleaded no contest in the 1995 molestation case because there were so many charges-ten were dismissed in the plea bargain. He completed parole and probation in 2001.

Elizondo claims police incited Sarah to say incriminating things in order to build a case against him.

 "There isn't anything prohibiting a judge from giving a person convicted of that once they've done their time and they're off probation or parole," Kern County Assistant District Attorney Scott Spielman said. "There is a lot to be taken into account, but you'd think that there would be a great deal of weight given to a person that actually was charged and convicted and went to prison for molesting a child under 14."

Elizondo, the convicted sex offender, currently has full custody of his daughter. 

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