Mayim Bialik, Big Bang Theory Star Breast-Fed Her Son Till Age Four; Now Divorced and on Mexico Vacation With Both Sons

Mayim Bialik, star of the hit television show, Big Bang Theory, won't let her recent divorce get her down. And, Bialik's strong opinions towards attachment parenting that has many questioning her choices in regards to how she raises her two boys Fred, 4, and Miles, 7, according to

Attachment parenting is a phrase coined by pediatrician William Sears that uses the philosophy based on attachment theory in developmental psychology, reports Yahoo. Bialik's preference in raising her children consists of "baby wearing" which is when you wear your child in a sling across your body rather than a stroller and "co-sleeping" which is a practice when you sleep with your baby in your own bed rather than two separate ones.

However, it was Bialik's blog post about finally weaning her younger son at the age of four that stirred the pot. Reactions about Bialik's honest parenting choices ranged from applause to disgust.

"Obviously the notion of an older child nursing is very strange to some people. In certain cultures it's not. And I was very careful about when and how I chose to breastfeed my older child. I put a lot of boundaries and limits around it and again took the guidance of women who had sort of walked this path before me," she wrote.

"I think the notion of breastfeeding at all is still very controversial in some circles."

The 37-year-old "The Big Bang Theory" star spent her first post-divorce vacation in Villa La Estancia in Nuevo Vallarta, Mexico.

Bialik finalized her divorce with Michael Stone at the end of May. Since that time, Bialik has been keeping busy reflecting on Jewish divorce on her Jewish parenting blog, Kveller.

While last year she visited the spot with her then-husband, this year it was just Mayim, her two boys, Miles, 7, and Fred, 4, her "oldest bestie" and her daughter. She couldn't be happier, either! "We swam in the pool, admired iguanas who lived near the hotel, ate more guacamole than I care to admit, and took a boat trip to a private beach," Bialik writes. She even enjoyed some delicious cerveza.

Looks like post-divorce life is off to a pretty good start for Bialik. She's enjoying herself and she's not turning back!

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