Nanny Cam Home Invasion Suspect Arrested in New York: Footage Shows Brutal Beating [VIDEO]

The nanny cam home invasion video widely seen on the internet has led to the arrest of 42-year-old Shawn Custis. Custis was caught by the FBI and detectives less than an hour after authorities released his name and issued a warrant for his arrest, said acting Essex County Prosecutor Carolyn Murray.

According to, at approximately 10:30 a.m. on Friday, the suspect kicked his way into the home of a suburban Millburn family in New Jersey. The home on Cypress Street had a hidden nanny cam which captured the brutal home invasion on video.

On the nanny cam home invasion video, the suspect is seen bursting into the home and brutally assaulting the woman of the house. Her three-year-old daughter sits frozen on the living room couch holding on tightly to a blanket while the suspect repeatedly punches, kicks, and pulls her mom by the hair.

The nanny cam home invasion video also shows the suspect going upstairs three times but returns and continues to beat the three-year-old's mother. In the video interview, the mom says that she tried not to scream because she was afraid that it would set the suspect off even more and that he would hurt the little girl.

The complete home invasion attack which had been captured on the nanny cam was published across the internet and shown nationwide by news broadcasters in the hope of capturing the suspect

Watch the nanny cam home invasion video here:

Newark residents who saw the nanny cam home invasion video contacted authorities and the suspect was arrested in the lobby of an apartment building on 10th Avenue in Manhattan. If convicted, 42-year-old Shawn Custis is facing 10 to 20 years in prison on the attempted murder charge and three to five years for the burglary charge.

The woman shown in the nanny cam home invasion video is recovering from her injuries. She has a concussion, chipped teeth, an injured lip, facial swelling and leg injuries. Her three-year-old daughter and her 18-month-old son were not harmed.

The victim's husband issued this statement:

"We are forever grateful to the incredible team of law enforcement officers for their hard work over the past week. Thanks to these heroes, our family can now begin the next chapter of our healing. We also want to thank everyone in the Millburn community, the Millburn Workmoms, and those from across the country for the outpouring of support."

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