Lindsay Lohan "Terrified" Of Relapse, Plans To Go Into Hiding After Completing Rehab; Kicks Adderall

Lindsay Lohan is still in rehab, but she's "terrified" of relapsing back into addiction once she leaves. Lindsay Lohan "plans to go deep into hiding" after she leaves rehab.

Lindsay is also currently Adderall free. She had been fighting to use the stimulant drug, even threatening to boycott treatment if not allowed to. She now admits that she abused Addreall, however, prehaps to control her weight. Lindsay's treatment team at rehab believes she was incorrectly diagnosed with ADD when she was very young.

Lohan is currently a month from finishing a mandatory 90-day stint in rehab at Cliffside Malibu...and she doesn't want to go back to her old ways or have paparazzi trailing her constantly, TMZ says.

LiLo's twelve-step program and therapy are apparently working-but she doesn't want to go back to her hard-partying ways.

Lindsay Lohan, the troubled 26-year-old star and addict, said she needs to find somewhere she can avoid media scrutiny. Linds is allegedly "terrified" of relapsing into addiction, so her solution will be to escape underground.

Lohan was first admitted to the Betty Ford Center near Palm Springs, but moved after a "drug outbreak" at the center. Apparently, there was a spate of underground drugs going around, and Lindsay was afraid she'd use. LiLo transferred to Cliffside Malibu, a tony program in Los Angeles.

"Betty Ford is great and very professional, but it's a 30-day program, so Lindsay has moved to a different facility to finish out her time given by the judge," the actress's mom, Dina Lohan, said.

Lindsay Lohan has to do three months of "locked down" rehab-but it won't be over even then. She'll also have to serve 30 days of community service and attend counseling for 18 months.

Let's hope Lindsay's on the path to recovery now...for good.

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Lindsay Lohan
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