Taylor Swift Worried About Justin Bieber Selena Gomez Reunion

Taylor Swift is doing everything she can to keep her new best friend, Selena Gomez, from going back into the prepubescent arms of Justin Bieber. That includes pawning her off on her male friends.

We already know that Taylor Swift hates the idea of Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez as a couple.

You only have to watch her reaction to the Bieber-Gomez embrace at the 2013 Billboard Music Awards to know that.

But what you might not know is that Taylor Swift is doing everything in her power to prevent Bieber and Gomez from reuniting as a couple, even if that means setting Gomez up on an endless round of rebound dates.

First there was Ed Sheeran, the British singer who Gomez introduced over Memorial Day weekend.

Now comes Austin Mahone, who was spotted with Gomez and pals at Disneyland last week.

Sources close to Swift told Hollywood Life:

"It was [Taylor's] idea to push Austin [Mahone] and Selena together because she really likes Austin and thinks he would be a good distraction for Selena right now."

But it wasn't just Austin that Taylor has tried to set Selena up with, said the same source.

"She did the same with Ed and Selena - but so far Selena is keeping it strictly friends with both of them. But Taylor's going to keep trying, she loves hooking up her friends and especially Selena, because she wants to see her with anyone BUT Justin!"

So that's the reason Taylor Swift is pushing all these men on Selena Gomez. She can't stand the thought of the two of them together again.

It seems Selena has a really hard time breaking things off with Bieber even as she swears to the media that it's over for good.

"Selena has a bad habit of taking Justin back again and again so even though she swears it's over for good I'm sure Taylor's a little worried that she'll cave in again," said the source.

But another Hollywood Life source contradicts this one, and says that Selena isn't getting distracted or dragged down by her split with Bieber. Instead she's going to "focus on herself and growing as a performer and making her fans happy," the source says.

"No more boys to distract her. She's above it," the source adds.

If that's the case then why is Taylor Swift pushing all these young dudes into her life, and what does Selena Gomez think of Taylor's overbearing matchmaking?

Does Selena understand that Taylor Swift doesn't trust her to stay away from Bieber and that's why she's setting her up on these obviously strident attempts to play matchmaker?

We can only guess at what Selena thinks about the whole thing, but the fact she hasn't really hooked up with any of the guys that Swift has proffered means a Selena Gomez Justin Bieber rehabilitation isn't totally insane.

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