Elmo Child Molestation Case Gets Thrown Out In Favor Of Kevin Clash: Three Accusers Ran Out Of Time To File The Lawsuit

The Elmo child molestation case took a turn in the favor of the accused molester and former voice-over for Elmo on "Sesame Street" Kevin Clash. The judge threw out the case because the three accusers waited too long to file the lawsuit against Clash.

These Elmo child molestation case were filed by Cecil Singleton, Kevin Kiadii and a third unnamed accuser lost their case because the judge decided that all three submitted after the statute of limitations had run out.

Singleton sued Clash because he alleged that he was molested by Clash when he was 15-years-old and the two had sex. He sued eight years later. The Elmo child molestation case ran out of time after the three men turned 21.

All three accusers had three years after they turned 18 to take their allegations to court.

Clash resigned from "Sesame Street" as the voice of Elmo after these three men and others came forward claiming that Clash molested them.

"Personal matters have diverted attention away from the important work 'Sesame Street' is doing and I cannot allow it to go on any longer. I am deeply sorry to be leaving and am looking forward to resolving these personal matters privately," Clash said in a statement at the time.

Others were trained to replace Clash as his understudies, according to "Sesame Street."

In November, multiple-time Daytime Emmy Award winner did come out and admit he was gay. 

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