Lady Gaga Gay Pride Parade Speech And Gay-Friendly National Anthem [Video]

Lady Gaga has long been a champion of LGBT rights, so it made sense she would give a speech and perform a slightly different variation of the National Anthem during NYC's Gay Pride Parade on Friday night.

She made the appearance despite canceling her tour after having hip surgery in order to show her support for the gay community, and she did not disappoint.

She mentioned how much the gay community's support of her music has touched her since she's also felt like an outcast.

"When I was in high school and grade school and younger, I was considered to be an outcast and I just couldn't find my place," she said. "Where did I fit in? And I look back on that time and I remember feeling that I was cut from a different mold. "

"There was a particular crowd who did accept me," she continued. "There was a particular crowd who made room for me at their table, who held me up when I felt I couldn't, who loved me for exactly who I was. It was you. "

She then went on to say that her gay friends saved her from a path of self-destruction.

Perhaps ironically since it calls to mind the religious right's use of religious doctrine to perpetuate anti-gay legislation, she mentioned God being in all of us, gay and straight alike.

"You saved me, my friends in the LGBT community, time and time again. And I saw God for the first real time in all of you."

The 27-year-old Gaga then castigated violence towards gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people because of circumstances out of their control: namely their sexuality and the way it makes many uncomfortable.

"The violence that has taken place towards LGBTs in the past months is unacceptable here and anywhere," the singer announced.

"We are not a niche. We are a part, a big giant part of humanity," Gaga said. "It's time for us to be mainstream. I demand the rights! To safe streets!"

Lady Gaga finished up her address by adding a simple, yet effective, change to the National Anthem. Instead of singing "Oh, say! does that star-spangled banner yet wave..." with "Oh say does that star-spangled flag of pride yet wave."

Lady Gaga knows what she's doing and the LGBT community rightfully supports her and her music.

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