'World of Warcraft' Movie Release Date As Early As 2015: Can Blizzard Entertainment Avoid Delays The Second Time Around?

Although "World of Warcraft" fans will have to wait a few more years to see the movie, recent updates on the progress seem promising for the Duncan Jones-helmed project.

"We don't know how to make a movie out of Warcraft, the video game. [Instead], it's the incredible story, and the war, and these races, and everything these guys at Blizzard [Entertainment] have come up with," says producer Thomas Tull to io9.

"The next two years are going to be pretty exciting, I think."

The next two years, meaning that production might start as early as next year, aligning with the recent rumors. But that might be optimistic, at best.

Currently, Duncan Jones is set to direct the movie, but the previous attached director Sam Raimi left due to disagreements with Blizzard and Legendary Pictures.

"I think they were getting a little antsy at Legendary, the production company," said Raimi during a Vulture interview in March.

"Honestly, I think it was mismanagement on their behalf, not to explain to us that the first story was vetoed long ago. Why did they let us keep working on it? Were they afraid to tell me?"

Will round two with Jones fare better, or will the movie suffer further delays?

"I think we're getting close to a place [where] we're ready to go. And when the script is finished, and when we feel like, 'Forget whether or not there's a built-in audience. Does this stand on its own, and is it great?'" continues Tull.

"Then we'll start filming. We're not quite there yet, but we're under suspicion of going there."

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