Baby Swimming Video[VIDEO] Gets Backlash On Youtube; Slammed For Being 'Bad Parent' As Video Goes Viral[PHOTO]

A Swimming Baby video goes viral showing 16 month old Elizabeth taking to swimming like a duck in water. The swimming baby can hold her breath for longer than most adults and can almost swim the entire length of the pool under water.

The video of the swimming baby has gone viral with nearly a million views, as thousands share the amazing footage with friends and family.

The baby even goes in without without arm bands, swiimming to the far side of the pool unaided, without even taking a breather.

The remarkable feat has received much criticism from viewers on

In particular people are concerned the baby is being forced to swim when she is tired and doesn't want to.

On the video's YouTube page, the girl's father has written: "At no point do we force our child to do anything she is unwilling to try. We are able to recognize infant/toddler fatigue in the swimming pool."

He added, "Elizabeth is a very determined little girl and sometimes she wants to roll over and breath as she was taught and sometimes she wants to hold her breath the whole way."

The father continued, "I was 100% prepared to jump in at first sign of distress. Please watch some of the other videos I've posted of her swimming and spread the word. Teach your child how to swim because it only takes a moment for them to slip under and drown. Some times the difference between life and death can be six inches of water and their ability to flip over on their back and take a breath."

He also adds a warning to parents eager to get their children swimming: "Please! Do not just throw your child in the water and expect them to swim. That is both dangerous and a quick way to traumatize your child and scare them from ever swimming. ISR uses specialized techniques in training infants and toddlers."

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