Watch Walmart Hostage Video Released Of Kidnapping, Hostage Situation And Shooting In Oklahoma That Left One Dead [VIDEO]

The Walmart hostage video released for the first time since the June 17 incident had a two-year-old held hostage until the man who took the baby was shot and killed in Oklahoma.

It took place at the Midwest City, Okla. Walmart and the surveillance cameras were rolling and police have decided that the Walmart hostage video released a few weeks later for the world to see.

The Walmart hostage video released shows the 37-year-old Sammie Wallace take the two-year-old baby girl from the shopping cart and put a knife to her neck. Alicia Keating notices what happened and begs for Wallace to let her baby go.

While the store was evacuated, police were involved with a 30-minute negotiation with Wallace.

"He had a weapon in his hand. A knife-type weapon holding up against the child, threatening the child's life," Midwest City Assistant Police Chief Sid Porter told ABC News.

During the negotiations, Wallace was distracted and Capt. David Huff moved in and fired a single deadly shot at his head.

"When a subject starts telling you that in 60 seconds he's going to kill a hostage, that's going to move you right up to the point that you will shoot him and that's what occurred in this case," ABC News consultant and former FBI agent Brad Garrett said.

The toddler is fine and the returned to her mother and older sister.

"Obviously, our goal was to talk him down to get him to release the child," Midwest City Police Chief Brandon Clabes said. "Unfortunately, we weren't successful but we were successful in saving this child and the fact is that Capt. Huff's actions were extremely heroic and he waited till the very last moment."

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