Facebook To Publish Mobile Games For A Cut Of The Profit? Rumors To Challenge Google, Apple For Mobile Gaming Market

Facebook is considering a new venture in the game market by becoming a mobile games publisher, perhaps as a way to tackle the Google and Apple-dominant world of mobile gaming.

According to Tech Crunch, rumors are the company is collaborating with a few small mobile game developers to do publishing by offering distribution through mobile ads. Facebook would then get a cut of the revenue.

"One thing that we think is working that we're starting to understand more is mobile for small businesses," says Facebook's director of small business Dan Levy.

"Obviously, if you're a local business, people are walking around, so the ability to put content into their News Feed, which is the part of Facebook they're looking at the most, is a really effective way to get them to recognize and see your business."

Currently, Facebook reportedly earns a major share of its profits from virtual currency transactions inside social games, but the same monetary results have not been seen for mobile devices.

Google and Apple control the market's two major smartphone app stores, each taking 30 percent cut on digital sales.

For Facebook, this new venture is a way to help small developers find its audience without meddling in the game design itself. Distribution is its primary interest.

And the keyword is mobile through and through. In addition to gaming, Facebook is taking its mobile accessibility for small business owners to another level as well.

"Obviously everyone hears the stories about how users are on mobile, and how more than 30 percent of Facebook's revenue is now coming from mobile apps, but businesses are on mobile, as well," continues Levy according to Inside Facebook.

"The ability to interact and manage their business from a mobile device, because they're not sitting behind a computer all day, is really important."

Most recently, Facebook began a new mobile business with its mobile messaging stickers, a success more realized in Japan.  

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