Doctor Who Receives Prince Charles, Helen Mirren Love [VIDEOS]: After Matt Smith Exit, 'A Gay, Black, Female Doctor Would Be Best Of All!'

With "Doctor Who" getting closer to its 50th Anniversary Special and season 8, some very exclusive names like Prince Charles and Helen Mirren have come out in support of the BBC series.

"We are the masters of this planet! You will obey us! Obey or be exterminated!" said a Dalek prop as it faced Prince Charles while he toured the set. What insolence!

The Prince and the Duchess of Cornwall toured the iconic "Doctor Who" set today to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the show.

According to BBC, the Royal pair will see the production office to get a behind-the-scenes look at each department's process, as well as inside the TARDIS itself!

Inside the TARDIS, Prince Charles also met with Matt Smith and Jenna-Louise Coleman, who play the current Doctor and his companion Clara Oswin.

"This is it. This is our home," mused the 30-year-old Smith, who is set to depart the show after the Anniversary Special and before season 8.

"It's my final horrah."

In other news, veteran actress Helen Mirren has denied rumors that she will take over Smith's role as the Doctor, which began as calls for a non-white, non-male Doctor grew after Smith's announcement.

"I'm not going to be the first female Doctor Who, no, no, no, absolutely not, I absolutely wouldn't contemplate that," said the 67-year-old actress.

"But I do think it's well over-time to have a female Doctor Who. I think a gay, black female Doctor Who would be the best of all."

What do you think? Will a non-traditional casting choice for the Doctor enhance season 8 as "Doctor Who" begins its next chapter?

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