Ireland Baldwin Instagram Photos: Bikini Boyfriend Pictures in Idaho With Slater Trout, But Model Calls Herself ‘Awkward’ And ‘Lanky’

Ireland Baldwin posts new Instagram photos wearing a bikini with her boyfriend.

Ireland, the 6' 2" daughter of actor Alec Baldwin and supermodel Kim Basinger, shows off her amazing body once again to her Instagram followers. She stands behind her boyfriend, pro paddle boarder Slater Trout, on a paddleboard, with her hands on his shoulders. She is wearing a tiny pink and blue bikini, with a natural landscape backdrop of snowy mountains and pine trees in Idaho. Trout holds a paddle in his hands and looks over his shoulder at his gorgeous girlfriend.

Ireland recently featured on the July 2013 cover of Modern Luxury's Beach magazine, a Hampton's magazine, wearing a white string bikini. She carried a surfboard over her head, and both her smile and skin were glowing on the cover.

Ireland works out twice a day to keep her amazing shape, as well as enjoys "paddleboarding and surfing."

Trout often features in Ireland's Instagram photos. Other recently posted pictures include a close-up of the couple kissing in an Idaho lake, as well as a photo of the two in a complex yoga position. Trout suspends Ireland in the air while lying on his back, supporting her with only his hands and feet.

Baldwin signed with IMG Models and Two Management back in March, joining other top models like Kate Moss, Chanel Iman and Tyra Banks, The Huffington Post reports.

Baldwin will also appear in the September issue of Elle magazine, which she shot earlier this month.

She also said in the next five years she's looking forward to seeing her modeling career take off: "The paths my modeling career will take me on. I'm excited to work and study acting as well," she said. 

Despite her fantastic body, Ireland refers to herself as "awkward" and "lanky," the International Design Times reports. She has also said she is criticized for her looks.

"Of course I get those comments about how I am too fat to model, how I am not model material, how I am an unattractive girl, how I am too tall, etc.," she said. 

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