iOS 7 Beta Download [UPDATE]: Official Memos Prohibit Apple Store Retail Employees From Flaunting Test Version Of Upcoming Operating System

Apple retail employees are currently not permitted to get and use iOS 7 beta especially when having in-store demos.

Latinos Post reported citing 9to5Mac that Apple Retail store managers and representatives from the Human Resources reached out to workers that have been using iOS 7 beta. Accordingly, employees who were detected to be using iOS 7 beta were asked if they downloaded the test version of Apple's upcoming mobile OS from the official Developers channels.

Apple employees were told not to demonstrate using iOS 7 beta versions even it is on their personal devices. However, Apple allows its workers to direct customers to the official webpage of iOS 7 on Apple website.

Store managers and representatives want to make sure that the retail employees with iOS 7 beta are not purchasing iOS Developer Program accounts and then sharing it to their colleagues.

According to the iOS Development rules, which can be seen in RetailMe app, the only people allowed to get iOS 7 beta download are those who are members of iOS Developer Program or those who "have been explicitly authorized by management to participate in the development or testing of internal Apple applications as part of an official Apple project."

Because of this concern, a memo was sent out to the employees regarding the unauthorized acquisition of the iOS 7 beta download, UberGizmo reported.

The notice stated, "You may not load iOS beta software onto any other person's iOS device. Employees are not authorized to receive iOS beta software from any third parties, even if those third parties are iOS Developer Program members."

iOS 7 beta 3 download, the latest update for the test version of Apple's mobile operating system is set for release next Monday, July 8. People can download iOS 7 beta as long as they are subscribed to iOS Developer Program which requires a yearly fee of $99. 

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