PS4 Vs. Xbox One: World’s Fastest Man Prefers PS4, Ussain Bolt Says He Will Buy Sony Next-Generation Console

Usain Bolt, known as the world's fastest man, said he prefers the PS4 over the Xbox One.

In an interview with Pocket-lint in France before the Paris Diamond League, the Jamaican track star, who is slated to compete in a July 6 race, said he's a Sony advocate.

When asked whether he used any tech or apps to train outside of his team's supervision, he casually replied with a grin: "When I'm by myself all I do is just play video games. That's not ideal most of the time," Pocket-lint reports.

The website pressed for more to see if Bolt was excited about the PS4 vs. Xbox One head-to-head at the end of the year.

"Yes, definitely."

And which one will he be buying?

"PS4. I'm a PS fan, definitely," Bolt told the website.

Although many gamers have sided with Sony in the next-generation console battle, Microsoft continues to focus on promoting its Xbox One, as is.

Microsoft's product planning manager Albert Penello said that spec comparisons of the PS4 and Xbox One and "meaningless" and that ultimately "great games are what matters," hinting at Microsoft's stance on next-generation console popularity.

The Microsoft official responded to an article published by OXM that made a comparison of the PS4 and the Xbox One based on specs and other technical merits, defending his console's video game fan base from criticisms sparked by PS4 advocates.

 "I heard this exact same argument last generation and it's a pointless argument, because people are debating things which they don't know about," Penello said, according to OXM.

"They're not [head silicon engineer] Nick Baker or [corporate vice president of IEB hardware Todd Holmdahl], and I'm not [lead PS4 architect] Mark Cerny, so why are we having this discussion?"

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