Anna Chapman, Spy: Exchange Vows With Me Edward Snowden; Modern Mata Hari Plugs New Show

Anna Chapman, the Russian spy who made the pages of Maxim and Playboy, and Edward Snowden, the American whistleblower branded a spy for revealing NSA secrets, are getting cuddly. On Twitter. But REN-TV also teased “Anna Chapman hunting for Snowden at Sheremetyevo.” So, is the mesmerizing Mata Hari leading him for her show?

Anna Chapman proposed to Edward Snowden via a Twitter message yesterday. The sexy ex-spy tweeted yesterday, “Snowden, will you marry me?!” But just a few hours later REN-TV, which broadcasts Anna Chapman’s television interview and investigative journalist show, posted an “exclusive” teaser on its Facebook page that promised to show “Anna Chapman hunting for Snowden at Sheremetyevo.”

The NSA leaker Edward Snowden has at least one potential taker: Anna Chapman. The ex-spy tweeted yesterday, “Snowden, will you marry me?!” Snowden’s ex-girlfriend, Lindsay Mills, was also in the Bond Girl type, posting sexy pics online. Snowden seems to have a weakness for the sexy spy type and maybe the hypnotic Russian secret agent is playing to that. For ratings.

Anna Chapman is a celebrity in Russia. She hosts the highly rated television show “Secrets of the World.” It runs on REN-TV, who started promoting a new investigative piece from the green-eyed spy, “Anna Chapman hunting for Snowden at Sheremetyevo.” It is only a tease, though, because when you follow the link you are taken a YouTube promo for a show Anna did back in April where she is shown subduing several masked men in a dark hallway. Since going back to Russia, the diplomat’s daughter has worked as a model, becoming the face of a Moscow bank, and joining the leadership group of the youth wing of Russia's main pro-Kremlin party.

Snowden hasn’t made any official comment on the proposal though he may or may not be staying in Russia. All Russian authorities had to say was “Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said Russia had received no request for political asylum from Snowden and he had to solve his problems himself.”

Snowden has been on an international run since he blew the whistle on NSA surveillance programs. He has been in diplomatic limbo. His passport has been revoked. Many countries have denied his requests for asylum. He is a man without a country. He is currently stuck in transit at Moscow's Sheremetyevo International Airport, not too far from his not-to-secret admire, Anna Chapman.

Chapman also tweeted “NSA, will you look after our children?” which sounded like a joke, but she told the Wall Street Journal “you are welcome to use your imagination” when they asked if she was kidding. Russian opposition activist Maria Baranova also has eyes for the Russian visitor.

She tweeted “I would also like to offer Snowden my heart and mostly my passport! Edward! Marry Me!” she also posted on Twitter. She later said hinted to this newspaper that she may not have been 100% serious.

Snowden is big in Russia. Big enough for Ratings?

By Tony Sokol

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