Nickolay Lamm Barbie Makeover Beloved By Demi Lovato- Realistic Barbie Could Curb Eating Disorders

Nickolay Lamm made a Barbie makeover-and Demi Lovato loves the realistic Barbie, with a curvy body and genuine rear end. The normal-sized Barbie was created using dimensions of the average woman.

Nickolay Lamm of created a 3D model using measurements given to him by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

And Demi Lovato gushed over Nickolay Lamm's Barbie makeover on Twitter.

Lamm used the average measurements of a 19-year-old American woman to create the Barbie model. He then put the two Barbies together to show the differences between them.

He said, "If we criticize skinny models, we should at least be open to the possibility that Barbie may negatively influence young girls as well.

"Furthermore, a realistically proportioned Barbie actually looks pretty good in the pictures I produced.

Lamm added,"So, if there's even a small chance of Barbie in its present form negatively influencing girls and if Barbie looks good as an average-sized woman in America, what's stopping Mattel from making one?"

Lovato loved the doll on Twitter, saying,

"That new @barbie's got BACK!!!!! Hahahaha #bootybootybootyboottrockineverywhere" Lovato Tweeted of the doll, adding that she is "AWESOME."

Lovato has been open about her history of eating disorders and self-esteem issues.

She recently revealed that she was suicidal at the age of 7.

The new Barbie could stop a generation of girls from going through the same issues Lovato suffered with. It is unlikely, however, that Mattel will ever manufacture it.

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Demi Lovato
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