Robin Thicke's Blurred Lines Unrated [Video] Model Emily Ratajkowski Has A Boyfriend? And He's Ugly? Yes, According to Furious Fans [PICS]

A massive group of the human population might be heartbroken to hear the leading lady of their dreams Emily Ratajkowski, a model out of the three who went topless in Robin Thicke's "Blurred Lines" video, might have a boyfriend. They may even be more surprise to discover that he doesn't illustrate the standard definition of "hott."

On, someone who goes by the alias "Maurice" posted some candid images of the Polish-Israeli beauty with her alleged lover. Maurice accused the British bred model's assumed boyfriend of having mind control powers since he managed to snag such a babe.

"No way this dude throws his hotdog in that donut without some sort of evil telepathic situation going on. It’s just not possible," wrote Maurice in the post. "This 'squid' could have a platinum cock that jizzes diamonds and there’s still no way a woman this far out of his league would agree to sex. Let alone a relationship."

Take a look at the pictures below of the apparently "odd couple":

These pictures caused major speculation about why the southern California raised model was with this guy.

"This better have a Pringles can or a billion dollars," said commentator bundyandstudd referencing the unknown male's package and bank account.

"He 100% is a photographer or "artist", or possibly just a trust fund rich weirdo," said StanSitwell, predicting that "The Blurred Lines" model's alleged boyfriend was a wealthy member of the fashion industry.

The picture of the strange duo gave commentator hen-rique encouragement that he still has a chance with Emily.

"Part of me is disappointed and the other part is reminding myself that I'm fifty times better looking than this pipsqueak so there's hope," said hen-rique.

Critics like commentator quakeher went as far as to insult the model's intelligence.

"How retarded do these smokes with repulsive boyfriends have to be," wrote quakeher.

Then commentator fullofgoodideas pointed out that it might be more to it than the physical and monetary attributes.

"Not to sound like a stuck up c#nt, but to some people personality matters."

A commentator by the name of kingofclowns wrote that, in fact, the guy in the pic with Emily is her boyfriend. The eccentric fellow is Andrew Dryden, an LA creative director and menswear buyer at H. Lorenzo. The comment was accomanied with Dryen's professional Linkedin account.

Here is another image of the two attending young designer Gia Bahm's private preview for her Unearthen Autumn/Winter 2013 collection:

Sorry boys, but the "Blurred Lines" model may already be spoken for.

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Robin Thicke
Emily Ratajkowski
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