Mystery Intergalactic Radio Bursts Detected: Came From Beyond Milky Way, Can Milliseconds Reveal So Much Information?

Mystery intergalactic radio bursts detected by the Parkes radio telescope in New South Wales, Australia.

The mystery intergalactic radio bursts detected was powerful signal, which lasted for just milliseconds, could have been a fluke, according to Discovery. The team found three more equally energetic transient flashes all far removed from the galactic plane and coming from different points in the sky.

This mystery intergalactic radio bursts detected by Astronomers during a sweep of the Milky Way. These analysis believe the four signals they found came from beyond. Others disagreed.

"They have come such a long way that by the time they reach the Earth, the Parkes telescope would have to operate for 1 million years to collect enough to have the equivalent energy of a flying mosquito," astronomer Dan Thornton, with the University of Manchester in the United Kingdom, wrote in an email to Discovery News.

Scientist have different theories and there was another one.

"It is still early days for identifying the astrophysical origins of such common but (so far) rarely detected events," Cornell University astronomer James Cordes wrote in an article published in this week's Science. "This might seem common, and it is, but you need a big telescope to detect them."

Typically, telescopes only look at a very small patch of the sky at any one time, he added, "so you have to look for a long time before seeing many. This is why we have only detected a handful so far."

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