Best 5 Idols Overseas From Arirangworld

Arirangworld released a ranking of best 5 idol stars from overseas through their official YouTube channel.

The idol taking the first place was 2NE1’s leader CL, she has great fluency in language being able to speak 4 different ones which includes French, Japanese, English and Korean. Also she has appeared for an exclusive interview on BBC News discussing about 2NE1’s rising success.

Wonder Girls member Lim Hye-rim came in second place, also able to speak four languages, as Korean, Mandarin, Cantonese and English. She led all the interviews while promoting in China and was great help during their stay in the US.
Nichkun of 2PM placed third, he was already an iconic celebrity back home in Thailand before coming to Korea in pursuit of his dreams to become a singer. As he studied abroad he is able to speak fluent English.

Fourth place went to JYJ’s Yoochun, known for his charming looks and English skills. He studied Japanese by watching Japanese dramas and now able to speak it fluently.

The fifth place was given to f(x)’s Amber. She is Taiwanese-American fluent in English, Mandarin, as well as Korean. She is an invaluable asset to the group as she has been an interpreter for many major events.

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