Amanda Bynes' Weight Now Clinically Anorexic-- Tweets Admit Eating Disorder, Dangerous 100-Pound Goal

Amanda Bynes has been her usual nut-job self on Twitter lately, and the public has been, for a large part, sensibly ignoring her for once.

In the absence of an actual arrest or assault, Amanda Bynes' Twitter insanity kinda becomes like the a baby screaming or a least-favorite aunt yawping: incessant and annoying, but typical and mostly harmless.

Lately, however, Bynes Tweeted something really, really harmful. Her weight has reached a scary level...and Bynes doesn't plan on stopping the weight loss.

Bynes has mentioned on more than one occasion her desire to weigh 100 pounds....and she's lost about twenty so far.

Bynes recently Tweeted,

A 5 foot 8 inches, a weight of 114 pounds gives Bynes a BMI of 17.3, which is clinically anorexic. BMIs of less than 19 are considered dangerously underweight; 17.5 is the number used as one indicator of anorexia nervosa.

Bynes' compulsion to sort the world into "hot" and "ugly" certainly lends itself to placing too much value on appearance and categorizing peoples' internal worth into arbitrary categories based on external attractiveness.

This isn't the first time Bynes has said things that are highly eating disordered.

Back in March, she tweeted a photo of herself that was captioned "pudgy." And a month later, she tweeted "I have an eating disorder so I have a hard time staying thin."

This, actually, is more accurate than it may sound to readers who don't know a lot about eating disorders. Weight is not the main criteria for diagnosis of an eating disorder-rather, the main criteria is an unusual or even dangerous relationship with food that can become an obsessive addiction.

The majority of people with anorexia or bulimia are not actually underweight. Bulimia is several times more common than anorexia; the diagnostic criteria for bulimia do not even mention weight. It's one of several criteria for anorexia, the cognative distortions of which can persist for long after weight restoration.

Bynes, however, now is clinically underweight-and she's heading fast toward absolute emaciation.

Bynes has also been tweeting about plastic surgeries past and present. She most recently wrote, "I Need To Have Surgery To Look Beautiful For The Man I'm In Love With So I Feel Comfortable With The Way I Look When We Get Married" [sic].

Amanda Bynes
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