Kobe Bryant Unfollows Dwight Howard On Twitter: Gasol Unfollows Howard And Follows Him Back While Shaq Says 'Not A Whole Lot Of People Can Handle Being Under The Bright Lights' [VIDEO]

Kobe Bryant unfollows Dwight Howard on Twitter following Howard's signing with the Houston Rockets, thus leaving Los Angeles after one year in Hollywood.

According to a report from TMZ, Kobe Bryant unfollows Dwight Howard on Twitter and he wasn't the only one. Paul Gasol apparently unfollowed him as well, except he decided to follow him again 20 minutes later.

Besides that Kobe Bryant unfollows Dwight Howard on Twitter, he also posted a picture on his Instagram account of himself with Gasol. It was just the two of them, with their arms around one another. He used the "hashtags" #vamos #juntos #lakercorazon #vino. These Spanish words translated to "we go, together, Laker heart, wine."

Howard was traded to the Lakers during the 2012 off-season. The team finished seventh in the Western Conference, but failed to make it out of the first round. They also signed two-time M.V.P. Steve Nash and still the trio didn't work out as expected.

According to Los Angeles Times' Mike Bresnahan, Howard said that "Kobe did not factor into my decision whatsoever."

When Shaquille O'Neal was asked about Howard leaving the Lakers, he told the reporters during a conference promotion for "Grown Ups 2" that he wasn't surprised.

"It was expected," Shaq said. "We've all been in L. A., and not a whole lot of people can handle being under the bright lights. Everybody wants to do it, but when you get there, there are certain pressures. I think it was a safe move for him to go to a little town like Houston. That's right, little town. I said it."

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