PS4 Vs. Xbox One: Exclusives Take Hit After Pre-Orders Become Sold Out? GameStop Ends ‘Unlimited’ Playstation 4 Requests

GameStop pre-orders of the PS4 have closed because of a high demand, according to the company's website, starting speculation that exclusives for the console might take a hit and that the Xbox One might gain an advantage.

GameStop was given orders from Sony to allow unlimited pre-order sales of the PS4 last month, but now the companies have decided to stop because of production complications.

And after Microsoft was able to refashion some of its policies on game sharing and online connectivity, some looking to pre-order a next-generation console at GameStop might look to the Xbox One as the PS4 continues to be sold-out.

Sony's decision comes just a week after it was revealed that Microsoft's product planning manager Albert Penello said spec comparisons of the PS4 and Xbox One and "meaningless" and that ultimately "great games are what matters," hinting at Microsoft's stance on next-generation console popularity.

The Microsoft official responded to an article published by OXM that made a comparison of the PS4 and the Xbox One based on specs and other technical merits, defending his console's video game fan base from criticisms sparked by PS4 advocates.

"I heard this exact same argument last generation and it's a pointless argument, because people are debating things which they don't know about," Penello said, according to OXM.

"They're not [head silicon engineer] Nick Baker or [corporate vice president of IEB hardware Todd Holmdahl], and I'm not [lead PS4 architect] Mark Cerny, so why are we having this discussion?"

The PS4 also sold-out on Amazon as its launch day made it the best-selling console of the year, selling out in less than a day, according to Playstation Lifestyle.

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