Asiana Airlines 214 Victim Possibly Run Over By Ambulance While Lying On SFO Tarmac; San Francisco Plane Crash Likely Due To Pilot Error- No Experience, In Training

Asiana Airlines Flight 214 crash victims have been identified-and it has been revealed that one may have survived the plane crash at the San Francisco International Airport, but been ran over by an ambulance as she lay on the tarmac.

The San Francisco International Airport crash is also currently being investigated as possibly involving pilot error. It may have been the Asiana Airlines pilot's first time landing a 777 at SFO, and he went much too slowly as he approached the tarmac at SFO then crash-landed.

Students Ye Mengyuan and Wang Linjia were the Chinese schoolgirls killed on Asiana Flight 214. They were both 16. The girls were seated next to each other because they were best friends set to participate in an exchange program.

San Mateo County Coroner Robert Foucrault that one of the girls may have been struck on the runway. He said that Fire Department officials told him that one of girls may have been struk while lying on the runway.

Foucrault says an autopsy will involve determining whether the teenage girl's death was ultimately due to injuries suffered in the crash or "a secondary incident." He said they did not appear to have extensive burns.

Asiana Airlines CEO Yoon Young-doo, said to press, "We think there was no engine defect." The girls were sitting in the back half of the plane when it crashed, he said.

Their plane, an Asiana Airlines Boeing 777, crash landed in San Francisco. 182 other passengers were injured in the horrific crash, but they were the only two fatalities.

The other teen died after being ejected from the plane after its impact of its tail hitting the ocean bay and runway.

"As it possibly could have happened, based on the injuries sustained, it could have been one of our vehicles that added to the injuries, or another vehicle," San Francisco Fire Chief Joanne Hayes-White told press. "That could have been something that happened in the chaos. It will be part of our investigation."

The two girls killed were travelling with several other students from their competitive, affluent school in Zhejiang, China. A total of 29 students and five teachers embarked on the trip-but they will come home with two less.  The girls killed were very close and often ate lunch together.

Both girl's parents left China today to see the bodies of their daughters. Because China enforces a "one child" policy, the loss was particularly difficult.

The Asiana Airlines planes have had both black boxes recovered. Federal investigators plan to interview the cockpit crew.

After the crash landing, the flight slammed into the runway and caught on fire. Most on board escaped via emergency slides as flames engulfed the plane.

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