PS4 Vs. Xbox One Specs: Will Sony Have Better Indie Games? Hardware Designer Says Range Of Independent Games Will Herald A ‘Renaissance’

The PS4's hardware designer Mark Cerny delivered a keynote presentation at the Develop Conference in the United Kingdom on Wednesday, where he predicted that the range of independently-developed games for the console will usher in a "renaissance of gaming."

The designer also mentioned the culture of indie games designed for the PS4 will resemble that of the PS1.

"With PSone there was no way to make an indie title. The hardware didn't support digital downloads and all games were distributed on CD-ROMS. There was no way for creators to directly reach their audience," Cerny said.

"But triple-A game development was very different than it was today. Crash Bandicoot, which sold six million units, was created by just seven people. A typical individual would contribute broadly in the creation of a game."

"Due to small team sizes the barriers to creating new types of experiences were quite low, and consequently the diversity of games available at retail was quite high. As a result, there was a certain fun factor that was an intrinsic part of the PlayStation DNA in those years."

Cerny's statement has left many gamers wondering whether the PS4's range of indie games will be better than those of Microsoft's Xbox One.

Last month, a Microsoft employee complained about the company's recent decision to reverse its policy on Xbox One game sharing, raising claims from critics of the changes that the move was a step backward, saying the new console is just an upgraded Xbox 360.

The employee, who posted anonymously on Pastebin, proclaimed himself a "heartbroken MS employee" and vented on Microsoft's decision to remove at least two of the more controversial features in the Xbox One, CNET reports.

Microsoft announced that it would eliminate the requirement for the Xbox One console to check-in online daily and that it would slacken restrictions on used game sales.

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