George Zimmerman Murder Trial Live Stream, Breaking Update In Controversial Trayvon Martin Case

The George Zimmerman murder trial is currently underway, and it is a controversial trial.  A live stream for the Zimmerman trial can be seen [here].

The 2012 shooting of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin resulted in the George Zimmerman murder trial.

In central Florida the George Zimmerman murder trial is underway, and the jury is hearing depositions on the hotly-contested case.

Zimmerman, who was a neighborhood watch volunteer, is charged with second-degree murder for shooting and killing 17-year-old Trayvon Martin.

The two allegedly got in an altercation in Zimmerman's neighborhood.

Martin was unarmed; Zimmerman is claiming self-defense and is pleading not guilty.

He has cited Florida's "Stand Your Ground" law to justify the shooting.

Today, Judge Debra Nelson ruled that cellphone texts on fighting won't be able to be introduced as evidence at Zimmerman's trial. She also ruled that a defense animation portraying the fight between Martin and George Zimmerman is out of bounds in the trial.

The judge thus sided with prosecutors in their objections to introducing the Martin's text messages as evidence.

However, Judge Nelson said that the animation may be used during closing arguments by the defense attorneys.

During a pre-trial hearing, Judge Nelson also ruled that photos that alluded to drug use and gun ownership by Martin would not be admissible as evidence in the defense's opening statements.

Hearings in the George Zimmerman murder trial have been complex and tinged with deeply contentious issues including race, class, drugs, and violence.

For a live steam of the George Zimmerman murder trial, go here.

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