George Zimmerman Trial Update: Trayvon Martin Holds Gun In Picture? [PHOTO] Defense Attorney Wants To Introduce Photographic Evidence

George Zimmerman's defense attorney, Don West, asked to introduce photographs found in Trayvon Martin's cell phone of him holding a gun as evidence but was denied, Fox News reports.

Florida Judge Debra Nelson also rejected George Zimmerman's defense team to use an animation depicting the fatal fight with Trayvon Martin along with text messages as evidence, NBC News reports.

"It's perfect for court because then you can - it gives you a running log of all the movements. Say, for example, somebody hits something and causes a certain amount of damage. With this suit, I can do that same action and from the accelerometers, you could see how much force it took to cause that amount of damage," Daniel Schumaker of California-based Contrast Forensics said of his motion-capture suit that he uses for animations, according to NBC News.

Schumaker was hired by George Zimmerman's defense team and is in charge of recreating the confrontation with Trayvon Martin that occurred on Feb. 26, 2012, that left the African-American teenager dead.

However, the animation of the incident can be used demonstratively in closing arguments, Judge Nelson ruled.

Don West also mentioned to the court that there are text messages in Trayvon Martin's phone that indicate he wanted to buy a gun before going to Sanford. 

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