Caylee Anthony Toys Sold At Grandparents Yard Sale Allegedly Involved In Murder Of Two-Year-Old Girl [VIDEO]: Watch Interaction At Home Of Possible Murder Scene

Caylee Anthony toys sold by her grandparents during a yard sale last month in Florida almost went unnoticed until one resident noticed that George and Cindy Anthony were selling toys of their deceased granddaughter.

Their granddaughter is Caylee Anthony, the two-year-old girl who was reported missing in 2008. Her mother, Casey Anthony, went to trial with the death penalty as a possible punishment if found guilty in the murder of her two-year-old daughter. She was found not-guilty and now her daughter's toys were being sold for money.

Christina Werner drove by the Orlando home when she noticed that the grandparents of Caylee Anthony were having a garage sale and that the little girl's toys were being sold. She told Inquistr what happened last month.

"I drove by and noticed the house looked familiar to me. I had seen this house before ... I got close and noticed that the people outside really looked like George and Cindy Anthony. It was the home of Caylee Anthony's grandparents," Wernder said. "When I pulled up, they were taking tarps off the yard sale items that were covered due to the rain. I immediately noticed the two white canopies over the yard sale tables because they looked like the tents used in the search for Caylee."

The home of George and Cindy is where authorities had searched in an effort to find Caylee or find any evidence against Casey or possibly the grandparents. Caylee's skeletal remains were found with a blanket inside a trash bag in a wooded area near the family home in December 2008. Investigative reports found duct tape around the skull and mouth of Caylee. Casey was found guilty of four misdemeanor counts of providing false information to a law enforcement officer and was released in July 2011.

Werner decided to purchase a few of the toys and even went as far as coming back the next day to return the toys. She video-recorded what happened when she showed up the next day.

"I simply will never understand how these grandparents can put a price tag on Caylee's items ... I can understand Casey's things, but I will never understand how they could part with these things at a yard sale!" Werner said.

Watch the video by Werner here

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