Kanye West Heartbroken Video Leaked[BLACK SKINHEAD VIDEO] Twitter Fans Want Him To Take Care Of Baby, Not Tweet[VIDEO REPORT]

Kanye West hearbroken Black Skinhead music video was leaked on internet   The leaked video was a rough cut and Kanye is really 'heartbroken' that people are viewing the video before it's finished. But shouldn't he be home with his new baby?

West insists the leak is sabotaging the final product and it's hard to disagree with Kanye.  The leaked video is a really early cut that's too dark and has major glitches.

In the computer-animated clip, directed by Nick Knight, a shirtless Kanye runs across the screen. The rough video originated from a Universal Music Group development page that has since been password protected.

Kanye West is urging people to take it off the web saying "Me and Nick Knight have been working on this video for 5 months and for creatives it's heartbreaking when something like this happens."

Kanye says the final video will be ready in a week or so adding, "To whoever leaked the video ... F*** YOU!"

With that kind of attitude Kanye, who would actually do what you say.

Although it stinks to have your creativity compromised, Kanye finally got what he deserved.  After his crazy outburst belittling Taylor Swift it's about time somebody ruined Kanye's day.

Besides he has a newborn baby at home. Shouldn't that be his first priority; not on Twitter with begging tweets all day.


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