Angry Trayvon App: Mobile Game Removed From Google Play After Protesters' Outrage; TradeDigital's App Exploiting The Death of Florida Teenager?

A petition from was noticed after Google Play pulled out the violence-themed Android game, Angry Trayvon app.

"Angry Trayvon" app has apparently been removed from Google Play after igniting an outcry from protesters claiming that the application was exploiting the death of a teenager from Florida, Trayvon Martin.

It seems that a petition made on the site,, to completely take down Angry Trayvon app has already been followed. CBS news, citing CNET, reported that all the traces of Angry Trayvon app in Google Play, as well as its Facebook page were already removed on Tuesday.

In the Angry Trayvon app, the main character is a furious man wearing a hooded sweatshirt, with a goal to "complete a world tour of revenge on the bad guys who terrorize cities every day."

The creator of the petition from felt that that Angry Trayvon app was referencing Trayvon Martin, the African American teenager, shot and killed by George Zimmerman in 2014. The petition creator wrote a letter to Google, saying:

"This application unnecessarily promotes violence and exploits the unfortunate death of Trayvon Martin. I am sure his parents not appreciate the image of their son as a gun toting vigilante. The death of this young man is NOT A GAME."

Furthermore, the petition creator said that the developer of the Angry Trayvon app is "using the Google Marketplace to exploit the death of an unarmed teen for profit while simultaneously promoting violence."

Asking for the Angry Trayvon app to be removed from Google's app marketplace, the petition reads, "Given the racial and social climate surrounding this issue and the unfair depiction of a deceased minor who perished as a result of gun violence, we are asking that this application be moved from the Google Play marketplace immediately."


Moreover, the developer of Angry Trayvon app released a statement on Monday stating that it would remove the mobile app. The app creator, Trade Digital, also expressed its apologies for "the inconvenience" but also said that the Angry Trayvon app was "by no means a racist game." 

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