Sherlock Season 3 Updates: Episode Two Filming Complete, Steven Moffat Finishing Episode Three Script

Although "Sherlock" season 3 is expected to air later this year, filming is currently on hiatus as Martin Freeman goes back to New Zealand to shoot more of "The Hobbit." So what's the progress on season 3 after all?

"We've done two. But we've now got a small gap - a small gap? A large gap! - while Martin (Freeman) goes back to New Zealand to film a bit more of the 'Hobbit' and then he'll return to us," says producer Steven Moffat during a recent interview with EW.

As previously reported, both "The Empty Hearse" and "The Sigh of Three" have been named as the titled for the first two episodes this upcoming season.

A particular note of interest is that "The Sign of Three" will most likely feature Mary Morsten, played by Martin Freeman's (Dr. Watson) real-life romantic partner.

But despite season 3 being incomplete, the DVD and Blu-ray is already up for pre-order on Amazon!  Don't get your hopes up though, as Hypable point out that the box art is simply taken from "Sherlock" season 2.

So when will episode three finish shooting so "Sherlock" season 3 can have its premiere?

"Hopefully, by that time [Freeman's return], I'll actually have finished the 'Sherlock' script I'm writing and we'll make another one," says Moffat.

Here's to hoping!

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