iPhone 6 Release Date: Next-Generation Mobile SmartPhone Arriving Sixty Days From Now? Apple Hires Pegatron Corp To Manufacture Upcoming iOS Device

There is no official announcement yet from Apple Inc. regarding iPhone 6 release date but several evidences are already pointing to the nearing launch of the product.

Although Apple does not really announce the launching of its product very far in advance, but various reports are already indicating that the iPhone 6 release date may be sixty days from now. According to Stabley Times, the iPhone 6 release date can be expected around September 2013, giving a number of signs that strongly support its claims.

One sign that the iPhone 6 release date is quickly approaching is the price cut offered by famous retailers such as Best Buy and Walmart, providing 20-35% discount for iPhone 5. The move by the sellers to aggressively get rid of existing inventory for the current generation of iPhone is somehow an indication that the iPhone 6 release date is just weeks away.

Furthermore, Apple is currently holding a sales promotion for college students as they are being offered with free iTunes gift card with every purchase of iPad or iPhone. The promo will run until September 6. The report said, "That points to Apple already having plans in place to have the iPhone 6 release date immediately after the promotion ends."

In addition to news indicating that iPhone 6 release date is just sixty days away from now, Value Walk reported that Apple has already hired Pegatron Corporation, the factory which will manufacture the newest iPhone. According to reports, Pegatron will be hiring 40,000 new employees just to make sure that the production needs will be met, especially since several speculations intensifies even more about iPhone 6 release date set in September 2013.  

Citing IB Times, it was reported that iPhone 6 specs will include A7 quad core chip processor, iOS 7, 128Gb internal storage, 13-mp camera, longer battery life and a Retina Display or IGZO screen display.

Watch out for more iPhone 6 release date rumors to come these coming weeks. 

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