Amanda Bynes Seeking Help, Looking Into Treatment; Twitter Breathes Collective Sigh Of Relief; No Therapists Called "Ugly". Yet.

Amanda Bynes may be getting help, shockingly enough. According to a new source, Bynes may be seeking treatment for her issues and even flew out to LA to check out her options.

That's the biggest step toward sanity Amanda Bynes has taken quite awhile. Shockingly, she didn't document it on Twitter and no therapists were called ugly.

Amanda Byes has been making headlines for drama more than actual talent of late. There's been an arrest, a bong thrown out a window, some really bad wigs, and a whole slew of Twitter rants and celebs who got called ugly.

The actresss is assembling a team of helpers including a life coach, medical professionals, and so on. A source said,

 "Amanda isn't crazy, she just has lots of anger issues and knows she needs help dealing with that."

The insider added. "She's determined to pull it all together."

On Sunday, Bynes flew back to NYC to appear at a hearing regarding the whole bong-tossing-incident arrest. She'll appear in court again in Septermber. In the meantime, she plans to return to her West Coast roots to coordinate a treatment plan.

And the world is breathing a collective sigh of release at the idea of Amanda Bynes getting help for her antics.

Still, the bizarre behavior increases. On Tuesday, she wore false eyelashes, a blue wig, a Rolex, and...a dumpy pair of sweatpants to court.


However, the source said "It's all for attention. The wigs, the 'ugly' talk," said our source. "She doesn't take that seriously, but finds it amusing that everyone will write and talk about it so she keeps doing it."

This matches with what a publicist said Bynes confessed to him recently.

Oh, she also ranted about how ugly various people are on Twitter. The latest victims?

 "Barack Obama and Michelle Obama are ugly!"

Also featured heavily on Amanda Bynes' Twitter this week: plastic surgery.

"My surgeon broke my nose during surgery but hasn't finished my nose! It's still broken and I can't breathe!" Also, Bynes "loves plastic surgery" but "hates taking pictures with a broken nose."

Hopefully Bynes will get treatment of a decidedly non-surgical kind soon.

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