Tara Mishra Exotic Dancer Gets Her Million Dollar Back (In Ones) [VIDEO]; Federal Judge Orders Police to Give Stripper Her Money Back; Judge Finds Mishra's Story "Credible"

Tara Mishra, an exotic dancer from Rancho Cucamonga, California, is having a lucky day,A Federal judge has ordered police in Nebraskato return more than $1 million confiscated at a traffic stop to exotic dancer Tara Mishra.

Tara Mishra began saving one dollar at a time when she started her exotic dancing career at age 18. After 15 years, she had saved a million dollars. U.S. District Judge Joseph Bataillon wrote that Tara Mishra was planning to use the money to start her own business, getting out of the stripping business.

According to court documents, Tara Mishra planned to buy a nightclub in New Jersey. She was to own half the club and her friends, Rajesh and Marina Dheri of New Jersey, were to own the other half.

The Dheris were driving Tara Mishra's cash cross-country in a rented car when Nebraska State Troopers pulled them over for speeding in March 2012. A state trooper asked the Dheris if he could search their vehicle, and they consented.

The tropper found the cash, which Tara Mishra grouped in $10,000 bundles tied with hair bands and wrapped in plastic bags. The cops suspected it was drug money, and the trooper took the Dheris into custody.

However, Bataillon wrote that police did not find any evidence of drugs in the car, and a drug dog search found only trace elements of illegal drugs on the cash.

"The government failed to show a substantial connection between drugs and the money.  The dog sniff is inconsequential."

"The court finds the Mishras' story is credible.  Ms. Mishra did have control over the money and directed the Dheris to deliver the money to New Jersey for the purchase of the business."

Bataillon ordered Nebraska to pay Tara Mishra $1,074,000 with interest in cash or a check.

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