Minecraft Xbox 360 Update: TU12 Patch Tease? 4J Studios Posts Skin Pack 5 Screenshot

4J Studios has released through Play XBLA a glimpse of what gamers can expect for the Skin Pack 5, expected to be released alongside the TU 12 - the image shows some screens and characters featured with the Skin Pack 5, the International Business Times reports.

The developer released the teaser as gamers continue to ask about the final stages of bug testing.

4J Studios asked fans to stop asking about the TU12 patch update for Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition on Tuesday, saying they will inform gamers once the bug testing is finished.

"We're still bug fixing TU12. We will tweet when it goes to MS Cert Test, so no need to keep asking :)," the developer posted on Twitter.

The developer also announced last Friday that it is still bug fixing its TU12 update and awaits a certification test, prompting speculation the game might encounter a delayed release date.

Once the update enters Microsoft Certification testing, it will take at least one week, possibly two, before it is released for everyone to download via Xbox LIVE, Examiner reports.

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