Katy Perry Blade Runner 2 Hints; `Extraterrestrial’ Singer Wants Role in Sci Fi Classic Sequel

Katy Perry’s teenage dream is to be in `Blade Runner 2,’ the sequel to the Ridley Scott’s science fiction classic. Katy Perry is done with extraterrestrials and wants to be a badass replicant. It was recently confirmed that a sequel to “Blade Runner” is in the works. ‘Blade Runner 2′ is currently being written by Michael Green, who wrote "Green Lantern." Ridley Scott is set to make the biblical epic “Exodus” next.

Katy Perry wants Sean Young’s old role as the replicant Rachael and, you have to admit, they do look alike.

Katy Perry said she wants to play a replicant, which is a genetically engineered robot. Replicants are very strong and very athletic, Daryl Hannah did flips as one. They are also very attractive and they never grow old. That should appeal to the California girl who’s hot off a turn in “Smurs 2.”

Katy Perry told the Playlist that she ready to move on from cartoons and into a legendary film. She said the “Smurfs” role was just a taste of what she’d like to do.

Katy Perry gushed "I would really love to play Rachael in Blade Runner 2 if Ridley [Scott] would just call!"

The singer has been doing more acting since her Katy Perry: Part of Me played the big screens last year. She also appeared on the TV shows “Raising Hope” and “How I Met Your Mother.” Perry told Metro. "I am really interested in comedy.”

"With films, I hope to win you all over with animation and then do other films. I am really interested in comedy, and I would really love to play Rachael in Blade Runner 2 if Ridley [Scott] would just call!"

In “Blade Runners,”Rachel was played by Sean Young. Harrison Ford was in love with her, in spite of their genetic differences. There are no plans for any of the original cast to return, but Sean Young has been reportedly in meetings with Ridley Scott.

By Tony Sokol

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Katy Perry
Blade Runner 2
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