Rihanna Topshop Case Ruling Debate Cuts To The Heart Of Image, Creativity, And Proprietary Rights

Rihanna won a case against Topshop in litigation that cuts to the heart of image, creativity, and proprietary rights.

British clothing retailer Topshop was selling t-shirts bearing Rihanna's image without permission.

Rihanna sued Topshop and the ruling was in favor of her.

High Court Justice Colin Birss agreed in his decision that buyers were likely deceived by believing Rihanna had authorized its sale.

"I am quite satisfied that many fans of Rihanna regard her endorsement as important," the judge said in his ruling. "She is their style icon. Many will buy a product because they think she has approved of it. Others will wish to buy it because of the value of the perceived authorization itself. In both cases they will have been deceived."

Briss added that because she is trying to establish herself as a designer, the sales may have hurt Rihanna's reputation in her industry.  The sales caused a lack of control over her own image, he said.

Rihanna has a clothing line in her name at a rival store.

Topshop's owner said that Rihanna was assuming that only a celebrity could market a product bearing his or her image, and that this is not true. They are considering appealing.

At first, the shirts were sold by the moniker "Rihanna Tank." After the singer complained, the name was changed...but not the image itself.

The shirts were later sold as the "Headscarf Girl Tank" and the "Icon Tank."

Topshop's owner, Arcadia Group Brands Ltd., said in a statement,

"There was no intention by Topshop to create the appearance of an endorsement or promotion." And, they said, "We do not believe it conveyed any false message to our customers."

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