X-Men Days Of Future Past Viral Video Unveils Sentinels, Confirms Trask As New Villain: Will Wolverine Time Jump 50 Years?

With "X-Men: Days of Future Past" currently filming, a viral video showcasing an ad for Trask Industries confirms that Bolivar Trask--and the Sentinels--will be the prominent villains of the upcoming mutant film.

Check the commercial below:

Many "X-Men: Day of Future Past" fans have noted the emphasis on the 50 year anniversary, prompting the theory that Wolverine will (as previously reported) time-jump 50 years into the past, thus connecting the two time lines and mutants.

Does this mean the common thread between the two timelines will be the rise of Trask Industries, followed by whatever prompts Kitty Pryde to send Wolverine back?

But the "X-Men: Days of Future Past" viral video is not the only thing showcasing Trask Industries. A Twitter account under the name Trask Industries has surfaced, showing the company philosophy of eradicating the mutant gene with some hilarious tweets.

In a latest tweet, a huge scale size of the Sentinels can be seen with director Bryan Singer posing next to it.

With so much viral marketing geared towards "X-Men: Days of Future Past" and Trask Industries, it looks like many updates will surface in the coming months before the premiere.

Stay tuned!

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