Hospital Cleaner Boasts Stealing Medical Supplies On Facebook[SEE WACKY PHOTOS AND CAPTION] Stupid Employee Suspended For Theft And Bragging About Crimes

A hospital cleaner is in big trouble for posting a picture on Facebook of her stealing medical supplies and bragging about it in the Facebook caption. Wearing a bedpan as a hat, Tina Baldwin, 45, baosts about her thefts from the hospital.

Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham has suspended the cleaner after her boasting about taking medical supplies from their facility. The hospital cleaner thought she could get away with her crimes and wanted everyone to know just how smart she was. But her efforts failed miserably. 

 She posted: 'Been raiding my ward for supplies.'

'Got loads of bandages, pads, sterile wipes, boxes of gloves, micropore tape, butterfly stitches, there's not much left LOL.'

When her friends congratulated her on her crimes, the cleaner posted:

'Not a problem, unless I get caught LOL xx.'

And when asked about extra beds the thief responded:

'Loads of em (sic), but don't think they would fit in my handbag LOL.'

The response on twitter to the cleaner's stupidity has been immense. Here are some tweets:

'This is one NHS worker I will not be upset about losing her job.'

'What an impressive level of stupidity.'

Ms Baldwin declined to comment on the allegations and simply said: 'I haven't done anything.' But her neighbors were quick to comments on Tina's negative behavior:

'She's a nightmare neighbor but quite scary.

'She's covered in tattoos and is always swearing.

'She's not a nice person to know. I'm not surprised she's been suspended from work.

'She comes across like she doesn't give a monkey's about anyone or anything.'

DO you think Tina Baldwin should be fired for her stealing and careless Facebook posts?

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