Amanda Bynes Stops Hearing Voices, Calling People Ugly Due To Drug Cocktail- "Amazing Progress", But How Do Antipsychotics Work?

Amanda Bynes has stopped talking to herself and calling people ugly. Yes, really.

Apparently, Amanda Bynes is doing much better. She's stabilized and not hearing voices anymore.

This is likely due to the medication doctors have put Amanda Bynes on at the psychiatric hospital.  Doctors say that Amanda Bynes is doing dramatically better after receiving treatment with a cocktail of psychiatric drugs.

But how do the drugs work? Amanda is on a few different medications, and the names of the drugs have not been released. However, there is likely at least one antipsychotic drug.. Some may be atypical antipsychotics, antidepressants, such as SSRIs, or benzodiazepines, usually used to treat anxiety.

Many psychiatrists feel that atypical antipsychotics may work better than older drugs like standard antipsychotics, such as Thorazine and Haldol.

Commonly prescribed atypical antipsychotic drugs include risperidone, Seroquil, and Zyprexa.

Antipsychotics work by balancing chemicals in the brain that can contribute to psychosis. The drugs may cause side effects, and usually take anywhere from a week to a month to kick in.

It hasn't been long since Amanda has been in the hospital. But the drugs seem to have stabilized her already.

Amanda has become polite, saying please and thank you, rather than displaying any signs of violence.  Amanda Bynes wants to get out of the hospital and will go to a hearing-and, in catch 22, the fact that she's doing better could help her bid to be released. However, she is likely to relapse if she stops treatment, particularly if she stops taking her medication.

Also, the drugs haven't fully kicked in yet, and her doses may need to be adjusted. Her parents will continue their bid for a conservatorship to keep Amanda in the hospital.

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Amanda Bynes
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