Sanford Police Under Fire For Forcing Trayvon Martin Activist Out Of Car, Thorowing On Ground, Handcuffing At Gunpoint, Arresting-- Clean Record, No Laws Broken

Police in Sanford, Florida are still being ridiculously racist.  You'd think they would have learned something from the Trayvon Martin case...but nope.

In this case, a black man with a clean record who had not violated any laws was forced from his car and handcuffed at gunpoint. About five police cars were trailing him-for no reason.

Oh, and in this case, the man was politically active against the Trayvon Martin case.


Traymon Williams, 26, was pulled over while driving with his girlfriend, DeShonda Robinson, and Robinson's younger brother, Kelvin Robinson Jr.

Williams noticed a police car following them closely...then four more police cars that joined them.

And, suddenly, he was forced at gunpoint to lie down on the road. He was then handcuffed and put in the cruiser.

Williams was released when they realized he was not the burglar they were looking for. In fact, the man who committed the robbery didn't look like him-he was significantly heavier, but was also black and drove a Toyota Camry.

(All black people look the same, remember?! Ummm....)

Sanford Police Chief Cecil Smith confirmed that Williams, DeShonda and Kelvin all cuffed and put in the back of a police cruiser.

Following the incident, the  The Sanford Police Department ordered an internal review of the officers' conduct.

Williams, DeShonda and Kelvin are considering litigation, pending the result of the review, according to their lawyer.

Williams, who had lived in Sanford all his life, was an advocate for Trayvon Martin in the George Zimmerman case. He gave interviews to media including The Huffington Post and MSNBC.

Sanford police were scrutinized for not arresting George Zimmerman for six weeks-despite the fact that Zimmerman admitted he had shot and killed Martin.

An investigation following Martin's death revealed that community members routinely felt Sanford police hadn't investigated crimes that involved black victims in several other cases.

The Sanford Police did not respond to a request for comment.

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