Selena Gomez Reveals She May Be Having A Hard Time Giving Justin Bieber Up-- Jelena Back Together?

Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber may be having a hard time giving each other up, she admitted. 

"I've known him for a really long time," she revealed.

And, well, it might be hard to part from someone if you've known them forever. Selena admitted that it's not easy to close the door on their romance...but asserted that she is still single.

"We enjoy each other's company every now and then," Selena said about Beebs. "But I'm definitely single and enjoying being that."

The pair have been on-again, off-again for, oh, over a year since their first breakup-they were on for a bit before that.

And, it seems, they may be back together-despite what Selena's telling the media.

The two apparently went home together after Gomez's birthday bash. Bieber brought Gomez a rose...and it may have been enough to woo her.

"Justin flew in specifically for the party on a day off from his tour," a source said.

Later, Jaden Smith allegedly helped sneak Gomez and Bieber out of the house under a blanket and an umbrella...and they were holding hands.

The two jumped into a car and sped off into the night together.

Apparently, Gomez's parents had left when Bieber showed up...just in the nick of time. After all, they might not want anyone corrupting their precious daughter.

Justin and Selena left around 2 am arm-in-arm.

But, Selena says, she wants to be private about it. She gets inspiration on this from bestie Taylor Swift (didn't Swift pen the breakup anthem of the last five years? Wasn't that pretty public?)

"Taylor's been one of the strongest people I've ever known and she's been through a lot," Gomez said. "Honestly I think if anything I aspire to be her in her personal life and how she handles herself publicly."

Beebs is Canadian, after all. Maybe the reticence to dish is a Canadian thing? He certainly doesn't hold back any other way.

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