Netflix Profiles 2013 New Feature [VIDEO]; Users Can Share Accounts; Keep Your Own Instant Queue and Recently Watched Recommendations

Netflix Profiles are a new feature for 2013.  Netflix profiles allow users to share accounts easily.  Prior to Netflix profiles, if you shared an account, you would receive recommendations for another user based on the Netflix algorithm.  Now you can keep your movies and recommendations separate even if you share a Netflix account.

Netflix users like parents who want to make sure their kids only see children's movies instead of more adult-oriented dramas or horror films are sure to appreciate the profiles new feature. 

The Netflix profiles new feature will give each user his or her own "Instant Queue" and "Recently Watched" lists.  Users will also have the option to link their specific Netflix profile to their Facebook account and to share recommendations with friends or receive them.

A video explaining the new features of Netflix profiles says that new users can set up profiles when they sign in to the service for the first time, and existing users will be able to add profiles from their accounts soon.

Netflix says the new profiles feature is coming out in the coming days. 

Netflix new profiles feature should show up on most Netflix devices, including the Web site, iPad, iPhone, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Apple TV and select smart televisions and Blu-Ray players. Users will be able to make new profiles on the Web site and with the PlayStation; different users should be able to select profiles on all supported devices.

Netflix said that support for Android devices and the Nintendo Wii will be coming soon.

Watch Netflix Profiles 2013 New Feature video:

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