Amanda Bynes Crazy Lockup Will Continue; Judge Denies Request To Let Her Out of 5150 Psychiatric Hold; Hasn't Tweeted in 10 Days

Amanda Bynes' request to be released from 5150 psychiatric hold early was denied by a judge this morning. Amanda Bynes lawyer said there was no legal basis for the troubled Twitter star to remain hospitalized because she is no longer a danger to other. Amanda Bynes’ lawyer also said she is able to take care of herself.

Amanda Bynes was ordered into 5150 psychiatric hold on July 23 after she set a fire in a stranger’s driveway. The former “Amanda Show” wasn’t arrested and is not expected to be charged. On July 26, Amanda Bynes’ 5150 hold was extended two weeks. The same day Judge Glen M. Reiser denied her parents’ request for conservatorship because Bynes is still under psychiatric hold. The next conservatorship hearing is set for August 9 that will determine who will control Bynes' affairs.

Reports are saying that Amanda Bynes' schizophrenia drugs are being effective and that the actress is speaking to her parents again. Amanda Bynes opposed the conservatorship hearing.

TMZ said that sources revealed that Amanda Bynes is responding to the chemical cocktail and hasn’t talked to herself or insulted people in three days. The angry tweeter hasn’t shown any signs of aggressive behavior or violence. Sources say that the actress has been saying “please” and “thank you.” The schizophrenia drugs that Amanda Bynes is on takes between seven and ten days to fully kick in.

Bynes’ parents have been reported as saying they will ease up on the conservatorship hearings if Amanda responds well to the drug regimen. Although they still think Bynes needs long-term care. Sources say that her family thinks Bynes probably won’t take the drugs voluntarily if she is not supervised.

Amanda Bynes conservatorship would control her finances and living situation. Amanda’s parents claim she spent $1.2 million of her $4 million net worth “in a very short amount of time,” with "a substantial amount of this money being used to pay for marijuana and other illegal substances.” They also said Amanda is paranoid about being “watched” and that she covered smoke alarms with towels because she thought cameras were spying on her.

Amanda hasn’t tweeted in 10 days.

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Amanda Bynes
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