"Glee" Write-Out To Honor Cory Monteith's Death, Address Addiction.... Despite Character Not Using Drugs- How Will Fans React?

Cory Monteith's death was hard for everyone to to deal with-least of all his girlfriend, Lea Michele, and the cast of Glee.

But amidst all the personal mourning and grief, there's also the idea of what to do with his charcter. Cory and his character, Finn Hudson, must be written out of the show.

The cast and crew have just reassembled to begin shooting.

They have quite a challenge on their hands. They want to be respectful to Monteith-and maybe eve use it as an opportunity to speak honestly about addiction and drugs. They want to write Cory out in a manner that doesn't deny the reality of what happened, pays homage to him, and is still believable and engaging for fans.

That's a big burden to take on-and a lot of different elements to weigh.

But they're going to do their best. How they will has just been revealed.

A statement was released about the emotional task they have to execute It says:

The third episode will write Finn out of the show. That episode will deal directly with the incidents involved with Cory's passing and the drug abuse in particular.

In addition, co-creator Ryan Murphy will film an anti-drug PSA with the cast that will "speak directly with the audience."

That's pretty heavy duty-but it makes sense. After all, Finn suddenly deciding to move far, far away and never return would seem like a cop out and possibly anger fans.

But then, having him die of a drug overdose when his character has no history of drug use would be a bit odd, too. Simply put, Finn and Cory are not the same people-so treating them like they are might not work well.

Hopefully, screenwriters will find somewhere between ignoring it and treating it like they're the same. Time will tell when the episode airs-and hopefully, we'll have more details for you before then!

What do you think the Glee writers should do with Cory Monteith's character to address his death (or not?) Sound off below!

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