Robin Thicke 'Blurred Lines' Unrated Video Models Could've Still Been Sexy Without The Nudity According To Dr. Peter Lovatt [VIDEO/ POLL]

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Psychologist Dr. Peter Lovatt believes the models in Robin Thicke's "Blurred Lines" unrated video didn't need to be topless since dancing is sexy enough.

Weighing in on the explicit music video with Now Magazine, Dr. Peter Lovatt, the head of the Dance Psychology Lab at the University of Hertfordshire, said the nudity in the song's visual was totally unnecessary.

Being an expert in the psychology of dance and dancers, Lovatt revealed that a lot of emotions and signals can be released through the act of rhythmic expression.

"I love watching people dance. We express so much through our movements and dancing is a fundamental part of human communication," confirmed the Ph. D. "You can feel a person's happiness, mood, energy, and purpose when you watch them dance."

Lovatt took a lesson from the "Father of Evolution," to explain how dance can emanate sensuality,

"Dance, according to Charles Darwin, forms part of the human mate selection process. We are driven to dance, in part, by our hormonal and genetic make up and when we dance we are sending signals about our fertility and genetics to the people watching."

The dance doctor added that there are scientific observations to support the notion that dance is a tactic to send signals for others to process.

Although Lovatt did agree with Thicke's racy video being banned from YouTube, he wishes the singer would've contacted someone like himself who is keen on the subject matter before the final cut was debuted.

"I just wish that Robin Thicke had consulted a dance psychologist before he and his mates made the video," said Lovatt. "Had he come to see me, or just picked up the phone, I would have told him what the science says about dancing and sex."

Thus, the dance expert insist that the video could've succeeded without the nakedness. In addition, he implied that if the guys showed off there moves more like the models the issue of "degrading women" wouldn't have come to the forefront.

"Thicke didn't need to strip his dancers to make them look sexy, all he had to do was ask them to dance and they would have looked beautiful. Had Thicke et al. danced too then we would have seen relationships, interpersonal dynamics and, most of all, sexual equality."

Do you think Dr. Lovatt is right? Compare the censored and uncensored versions of the video below and then voice your opinion by taking this poll.


world news
Robin Thicke
Blurred Lines
Dr Peter Lovatt
Unversity of Hertfodshire
Charles Darwin
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