A-Rod Suspension Update: Appeal Can Allow Alex Rodriguez To Play Now, But Failure Can Put Suspension To 2015

A-Rod suspension update after it was announced that he could be gone for 214 games, now Alex Rodriguez can reportedly appeal it and play for the New York Yankees as soon as Monday.

The A-Rod suspension update came when a person familiar with the news that the third basemen in the Bronx is supposed to be suspended Monday until the end of 2014 season, but the source told the Associated Press said he could appeal and play while he does it.

A-Rod said he was ready to join the MLB team now and it could possibly happen even with all this controversy over the Biogenesis scandal. The suspension update and his 2013 debut could lead to even more controversy.

"He's in there, and I'm going to play him," Yankees manager Joe Girardi said Sunday after New York's 6-3 loss at San Diego at a press conference.

Rodriguez will suspended due to his links to a clinic accused of distributing banned performance-enhancing drugs, the person said, speaking on condition of anonymity because no statement was authorized, MLB informed the Yanks.

If the appeal goes unsuccessfully, his suspension could go into the 2015 season. The Yankees weren't told the exact length of the suspension, though they were under the impression it will be through the 2014 season, the person said. The Yankees star could get a shorter penalty if he agrees to give up the right to file a grievance and force the case before an arbitrator, the source told the AP.

The Yankees are fighting for their playoff lives and A-Rod might be there to help or hurt the cause. 

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