Katy Perry And Robert Pattinson Dating Rumors Finally At Rest For Disgusting, But Highly Convincing Reason

Rumors that Katy Perry and Robert Pattinson are dating can finally be at rest, apparently...for a gross, but highly convincing reason.

Katy Perry confessed that she farts in front of Rob. She doesn't hold anything back...including, um, bodily functions.

And with that news, Kristen Stewart has removed the boxcutter from her wrist....if only to plug her nose from mock gas passed in the air.

Yup, no romance between the two pals whatsoever. Ew.

The "Teenage Dream" is apparently not Robert Pattinson's dream girl.

Perry said in a recent interview, "Okay, so here's the proof there was never anything going on with me and Robert Pattinson. I fart in front of him. Properly fart. And I never, ever fart in front of a man I am dating." She then added: "He's my bud, I'm like his big sister ... we just hang out."

That's pretty convincing. If Katy Perry and Robert Pattinson aren't dating, Kristen Stewart will be pretty happy...but then, the mystery of who he actually is seeing will endure.

Still, Katy might have had feelings for him at one point-and there's a possibility they remain.

"The other day, I said, 'One of the things I'm most proud of is not sleeping with you, Robert.' And that's true," Perry said.

Hmm. You wouldn't have to be "proud" of not sleeping with someone you weren't attracted to at all, would you? It's not exactly an accomplishment if people aren't attracted to each other in the first place.

Do you think there's anything going on romantically with Rob and Katy? Sound off in the comments below!

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